
Refugee aid and care in numbers since september 2019 in Tuzla


01.01.2020 14:28
tember 2019, Center for Community Services PUZ has been involved in the organized distribution of non-food items, the provision of first aid and the organization of accommodation for vulnerable categories of migrants and refugees passing through Tuzla.

With the entry of the new year, a cross-section of the number of users and services was made. During this period, a total of 3,982 people used PUZ services, of which 1,964 received NFIs through a total of 10,223 items consisting of clothing, footwear, lingerie, hygiene, sleeping bags, blankets, warm items - scarves, hats, gloves as well as tents, nylons, floor mats and the like.

Organized accommodation services for vulnerable categories are provided for 21 persons - 3 families and 8 injured persons.

The number of first aid interventions is 1,876, and during this period a first aid station was formed, which is used by 4 organizations providing this type of service. In this facility, PUZ has cooperated with MSF Emmaus, the Red Cross of the City of Tuzla and the Red Cross of Tuzla Canton.

119 people were provided with transportation and escorts who had to go to or from health care facilities.

In the past period, 24 volunteers participated in the implementation of the activities, with 4 staff coordinating the work of different services.


Centar za pružanje usluga u zajednici PUŽ od septembra 2019 godine je uključen u organiziranu raspodjelu neprehrambenih artikala, pružanje prve pomoći te organiziranje smještaja za ranjive kategorije migranta i izbjeglica koji prolaze kroz Tuzlu.

Sa ulaskom u novu godinu, napravljen je presjek broja korisnika i usluga. U ovom periodu, ukupno je 3,982 osobe koristilo usluge PUZ, od čega je 1,964 osoba primilo NFI kroz ukupno 10,223 artikla koji se sastoje od odjeće, obuće, dojnjeg veša, higijene, vreća za spavanje, deka, toplih predmeta - šalovi, kape, rukavice kao i šatora, najlona, podnih prostirki i slično.

Usluge organiziranog smještaja za ranjive kategorije je osiguran za 21 osobu - 3 porodice te 8 povrijeđenih osoba.

Broj intervencija prve pomoći iznosi 1,876, a u ovom periodu formirana je stanica prve pomoći, koju koriste 4 organizacije koje pružaju ovu vrstu usluge. U ovom objektu PUZ je ostvario saradnju sa MSF Emmaus, Crveni križ Grada Tuzle te Crveni križ Tuzlanskog kantona.

Za 119 osoba osiguran je prijevoz i pratnja koji su morali otići do zdravstvenih ustanova ili su izlazili iz istih.

U proteklom periodu 24 volontera su sudjelovala u provedbi aktivnosti, sa 4 djelatnika koji kooridniraju rad različitih usluga.
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